The Complete Guide to Integrating QR Codes into a Restaurant Menu

The introduction of QR codes into restaurant menus is now a definite advantage for restaurateurs and their customers. It is now possible to set up a QR code in all restaurant communication materials for free, making it easy to track establishment ratios, take orders, and offer ideal flexibility in menu updates. Let's find out together what a QR code menu is, how to set it up, and what the benefits are for everyday usage.

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QR Codes and Restaurants: A Recipe for Success

The primary goal of integrating a QR code into your restaurant is to enhance your customers' experience. Thus, your entire menu is viewable online, and some orders can even be placed via the internet by simply scanning the QR code from a tablet or mobile phone. This method is particularly practical for managing your stock rotation and anticipating your purchases.

Everything You Need to Know About QR Codes in Restaurants

A QR code is a kind of square barcode. To display it, it suffices to use a camera application downloaded to a mobile phone or tablet, and it runs on Android or iOS. And to read, you just need to point the camera of the mobile device, the code will be automatically read, and it will redirect your client to: Your menu, Your website, A PDF document.

The QR code can also be printed on a label that you install on the table, on the shop window, or the counter of your establishment. This practical solution makes your customer's choice easier and saves time for your employees. Whether you've just opened your restaurant or you're already in operation, integrating QR codes into your business is a great way to retain your clientele.

You can then provide a lot of information: the history of your establishment, the ingredients used and their origin, the presence of particular allergens, and all other information that you consider useful to relay to your clientele. Thanks to this powerful tool, you are able to manage both menu prices and unavailable dishes in just a matter of moments. In short, QR codes are an easy, perfect, ultra-trendy solution to integrate into your menu.

Benefits of Digital Menus in the Restaurant Industry

One cannot think of denaturing the equation between the restaurateur and his clientele, but at the same time, QR codes have many advantages. Whether you are a restaurant licensee or a person without a license, here are the 5 advantages of using a QR code:

Quick access to your menu, Prices are updated in real-time, Facilitates access to your website, Saves time for each server, Automates the taking of orders as well as payment for meals taken.

In fact, the dematerialization of menus was significantly accentuated by the constraints of the COVID-19. Eliminating any manipulation of paper or plastic menus, restaurateurs have made it easier to take orders, thus guaranteeing a contactless experience and significantly improving customer loyalty.

How to Set Up a QR Code at Your Establishment?

Did you know that implementing QR codes on your menu is completely free? You can opt for a digital solution integrating both online ordering as well as payment, or else edit the digital menu of your website yourself and then use an online QR code generator.

After the realization of your QR code, you just have to print it and paste it on your tables, counters, shop windows, and walls, adding an accompanying sentence to explain its use.

Caution! Make sure to select the software for QR code generation cautiously; some of them are time-limited, rendering the QR code useless in a couple of months.

Choosing the QR code solution for your restaurant means:

A 30% improvement in table turnover, An optimized service time of 17%, A 23% increase in average ticket.


In conclusion, implementing a QR code in your restaurant menu is a necessary step toward restaurant modernization that contributes to the improvement of a customer's experience and the management optimization of a business.

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